Price List


A day 10k 20k 25k
3 days* 31k 63k 78k
Week** 73k 145k 178k

*Bonus: Spotses 1x for 1 hours or PDA 1x in rent period

**Bonus: PDA 1x, Spotses 2x (2 hours in total), Movie date (1x)

Bestie/Fam rent

Additional Service

Hourly 4k Per hours
Spotses 4k Per hours
Game date 4k Per hours (Plato, Hago, etc.)
Game date 5k Per hours (ML, Genshin, PUBG)
Movie Date 5k Per film/series episode
VN 3k Per Minutes
OTP 15k Per Hours
NSFW dirty talk (exc. rent) 5k Per Session
NSFW imagine (exc. rent) 7k Per Session
ONS 15k Per 3 hours
Food Date Flexible Bills on client (Discuss first)

Free Request:

❖ The availability of Additional Services depends on the talent. Kindly ask it to the talent/manager first.

❖ Talents only allowed to take 2-3 custs for REGULAR service, ONLY 1 cust for VIP service per platform and ONLY 1 in any platform for VVIP with flexible wh

❖ Talents and clients are allowed to do reschedule or extend the rent period (kindly contact manager first and tells the reasons why)

❖ Client who violates the privacy of talent or performs any NSFW actions without consent will be banned.